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For when Heroku gets too expensive
Using PM2 to Deploy Robust Node.js Apps
Node.js · PM2 · Express.js · DigitalOcean · Linux
When it comes to deploying modern web apps, there's a plethora of options these days. Heroku, App Engine, Elastic Beanstalk, and many others come to mind. However, how can we deploy our Node.js apps to bare-metal servers? Let's take a dive into PM2, an advanced, production process manager for Node.js.
Will Carhart
August 3, 2021 · 12 min read
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For when Heroku gets too expensive
Using PM2 to Deploy Robust Node.js Apps
Node.js · PM2 · Express.js · DigitalOcean · Linux
When it comes to deploying modern web apps, there's a plethora of options these days. Heroku, App Engine, Elastic Beanstalk, and many others come to mind. However, how can we deploy our Node.js apps to bare-metal servers? Let's take a dive into PM2, an advanced, production process manager for Node.js.
Will Carhart

Dream big, query bigger
Powering Dash Apps with BigQuery
Dash · Plotly · GCP BigQuery · SQL · Python · pandas
Dash and Plotly are powerful libraries for visualizing data on the web. Let's take a look at how to hook a simple Dash app up to a Google BigQuery back-end data sink.
Will Carhart

For when Heroku gets too expensive
Using PM2 to Deploy Robust Node.js Apps
Node.js · PM2 · Express.js · DigitalOcean · Linux
When it comes to deploying modern web apps, there's a plethora of options these days. Heroku, App Engine, Elastic Beanstalk, and many others come to mind. However, how can we deploy our Node.js apps to bare-metal servers? Let's take a dive into PM2, an advanced, production process manager for Node.js.
Will Carhart

Dream big, query bigger
Powering Dash Apps with BigQuery
Dash · Plotly · GCP BigQuery · SQL · Python · pandas
Dash and Plotly are powerful libraries for visualizing data on the web. Let's take a look at how to hook a simple Dash app up to a Google BigQuery back-end data sink.
Will Carhart

Spruce up your file system
How to Print File Trees on the Command Line
JavaScript · Python · Linux
Sometimes it's helpful to print a set of files and directories on the command line. As this set grows larger, it can often become unwieldy to display. Let's replicate the functionality of the Linux tool 'tree' in JavaScript and Python.
Will Carhart

Fulfill a SaaS marketer's dream
How to Create the Typewriter Effect in JavaScript
JavaScript · jQuery · HTML
Ever see text on webpages that looks like its being typed automatically? I'm going to show you just how easy it is to achieve this, called the typewriter effect, with a little bit of JavaScript and jQuery.
Will Carhart

Spruce up your file system
How to Print File Trees on the Command Line
JavaScript · Python · Linux
Sometimes it's helpful to print a set of files and directories on the command line. As this set grows larger, it can often become unwieldy to display. Let's replicate the functionality of the Linux tool 'tree' in JavaScript and Python.
Will Carhart

Fulfill a SaaS marketer's dream
How to Create the Typewriter Effect in JavaScript
JavaScript · jQuery · HTML
Ever see text on webpages that looks like its being typed automatically? I'm going to show you just how easy it is to achieve this, called the typewriter effect, with a little bit of JavaScript and jQuery.
Will Carhart

Embracing sustainability
Why I Wrote my own Static Site Generator
Node.js · JavaScript · HTML · CSS · Bash · Yarn · Netlify · GCP Cloud CDN · GCP Cloud Storage · jQuery · Bootstrap
My old Django + Heroku application was becoming difficult to maintain, so I decided to switch to a static site. Rather than use an off the shelf generator like Hugo or Jekyll, I wrote my own, from scratch.
Will Carhart

Kill the lights, yo
The Easy Way to Add Dark Mode to your Website
JavaScript · HTML · CSS · jQuery
Seems like the most recent web development fad is dark mode, so why don't we take a look at how implemented it.
Will Carhart

Embracing sustainability
Why I Wrote my own Static Site Generator
Node.js · JavaScript · HTML · CSS · Bash · Yarn · Netlify · GCP Cloud CDN · GCP Cloud Storage · jQuery · Bootstrap
My old Django + Heroku application was becoming difficult to maintain, so I decided to switch to a static site. Rather than use an off the shelf generator like Hugo or Jekyll, I wrote my own, from scratch.
Will Carhart

Kill the lights, yo
The Easy Way to Add Dark Mode to your Website
JavaScript · HTML · CSS · jQuery
Seems like the most recent web development fad is dark mode, so why don't we take a look at how implemented it.
Will Carhart

Ain't got time for no readin'
How to Summarize Any Article in 7 Sentences, with Software
Python · BeautifulSoup
Ever wonder how Reddit's auto tl;dr bot works? Let's explore a simple text summarization algorithm and see how smoosh, a text summarizer I wrote, uses it.
Will Carhart

And why you should be too
Why I'm Excited About Deno
Deno · JavaScript
Deno could be the replacement for Node.js. It's written by Node's original author, Ryan Dahl, and seeks to address a lot of the complaints about Node.js and NPM. But, is it innovative enough to overcome the vast existing Node.js ecosystem?
Will Carhart

Ain't got time for no readin'
How to Summarize Any Article in 7 Sentences, with Software
Python · BeautifulSoup
Ever wonder how Reddit's auto tl;dr bot works? Let's explore a simple text summarization algorithm and see how smoosh, a text summarizer I wrote, uses it.
Will Carhart

And why you should be too
Why I'm Excited About Deno
Deno · JavaScript
Deno could be the replacement for Node.js. It's written by Node's original author, Ryan Dahl, and seeks to address a lot of the complaints about Node.js and NPM. But, is it innovative enough to overcome the vast existing Node.js ecosystem?
Will Carhart

Becoming a git sudoer
A Case for Git Filters
Sometimes pesky secrets can find their way into repositories. Git has an awesome, yet somewhat unknown feature, git filters, that can help us avoid checking secrets into our repositories.
Will Carhart

Leading the way in Bash CLI applications
Recreating Python's argparse in Bash
Bash · koi · Python
Many languages ship with powerful command line argument parsing libraries, Bash included. One of the best I've had the pleasure of working with is Python's argparse. Let's dive into how argparse became the inspiration for my own Bash argument parsing library, koi.
Will Carhart

Becoming a git sudoer
A Case for Git Filters
Sometimes pesky secrets can find their way into repositories. Git has an awesome, yet somewhat unknown feature, git filters, that can help us avoid checking secrets into our repositories.
Will Carhart

Leading the way in Bash CLI applications
Recreating Python's argparse in Bash
Bash · koi · Python
Many languages ship with powerful command line argument parsing libraries, Bash included. One of the best I've had the pleasure of working with is Python's argparse. Let's dive into how argparse became the inspiration for my own Bash argument parsing library, koi.
Will Carhart

How to manage your own tap
A Foray into Homebrew
Homebrew · Ruby · Git
Homebrew has become one of the most powerful widely used package managers for modern software development. Let's pull back the curtain on how Homebrew works and talk about how to create your own Homebrew formulae.
Will Carhart

Level up your shell scripts
How to Write Better Bash Spinners
Adding a spinner or progress indicator to your script can be super helpful for your users. However, it can be unnecessarily complex thing to do. Let's look at a way you can add a spinner to any Bash script.
Will Carhart

How to manage your own tap
A Foray into Homebrew
Homebrew · Ruby · Git
Homebrew has become one of the most powerful widely used package managers for modern software development. Let's pull back the curtain on how Homebrew works and talk about how to create your own Homebrew formulae.
Will Carhart

Level up your shell scripts
How to Write Better Bash Spinners
Adding a spinner or progress indicator to your script can be super helpful for your users. However, it can be unnecessarily complex thing to do. Let's look at a way you can add a spinner to any Bash script.
Will Carhart

How to create your own minions
Spinning Up a Fleet of DigitalOcean Droplets
DigitalOcean Droplet · DigitalOcean API · doctl · Node.js · Bash
There are many different options for IaaS these days. Let's look into some awesome use cases for DigitalOcean's VM product, the droplet.
Will Carhart

No, there are not actually bubbles in the trees
Reducing AWS S3 Storage Costs with Bubble Trees
Python · Boto · AWS S3 · AWS Lambda · AWS SNS · AWS CloudWatch
When S3 buckets are used for storing behemoth amounts of data, like genomic data or high-resolution images, costs can run high. Let's look a new kind of data structure, the bubble tree, to try and combat these high costs in some scenarios.
Will Carhart

How to create your own minions
Spinning Up a Fleet of DigitalOcean Droplets
DigitalOcean Droplet · DigitalOcean API · doctl · Node.js · Bash
There are many different options for IaaS these days. Let's look into some awesome use cases for DigitalOcean's VM product, the droplet.
Will Carhart

No, there are not actually bubbles in the trees
Reducing AWS S3 Storage Costs with Bubble Trees
Python · Boto · AWS S3 · AWS Lambda · AWS SNS · AWS CloudWatch
When S3 buckets are used for storing behemoth amounts of data, like genomic data or high-resolution images, costs can run high. Let's look a new kind of data structure, the bubble tree, to try and combat these high costs in some scenarios.
Will Carhart

I am definitely a human beep boop
Building Chatbots for GitHub
Python · Bash · GitHub API · Travis CI
Using the GitHub API, we can automate just about any functionality of GitHub. Let's take a look at how we can conglomerate Python, Travis CI, and the GitHub API to make a friendly chatbot.
Will Carhart

Why Gmail sometimes says no
Automating Emails in Python
Python · Bash · Gmail API
Python provides some awesome libraries for sending emails, but sometimes Gmail is not a fan. Let's take a look at how to safely send automated emails from a Gmail account, via Python and the official Gmail API.
Will Carhart

I am definitely a human beep boop
Building Chatbots for GitHub
Python · Bash · GitHub API · Travis CI
Using the GitHub API, we can automate just about any functionality of GitHub. Let's take a look at how we can conglomerate Python, Travis CI, and the GitHub API to make a friendly chatbot.
Will Carhart

Why Gmail sometimes says no
Automating Emails in Python
Python · Bash · Gmail API
Python provides some awesome libraries for sending emails, but sometimes Gmail is not a fan. Let's take a look at how to safely send automated emails from a Gmail account, via Python and the official Gmail API.
Will Carhart

getattr explained
The Power of Introspection in Python
Python comes packed out of the box with some powerful introspection capabilities. Let's take a look at some simple examples for why they're so useful.
Will Carhart

Welcome home!
Python · HTML · CSS · JavaScript · jQuery · Bootstrap · Django · Heroku
Announcing my all new personal website, portfolio, and full stack web application:
Will Carhart

getattr explained
The Power of Introspection in Python
Python comes packed out of the box with some powerful introspection capabilities. Let's take a look at some simple examples for why they're so useful.
Will Carhart

Welcome home!
Python · HTML · CSS · JavaScript · jQuery · Bootstrap · Django · Heroku
Announcing my all new personal website, portfolio, and full stack web application:
Will Carhart