
Helpful English diction tools for the command line


A dictionary for the command line. And then some.

Helpful language tools

Thoth is a collection of language tools for the command line. It has standard dictionary and thesaurus functionality, but also has the ability to use words in sentences and determine their type.

Quick examples

Look up definitions for more than 150,000 English words:

thoth define resolute

(adj) characterized by quickness and firmness

(adj) firm in purpose or belief

Find synonyms for words:

thoth synonym hello

Synonyms: hullo, hi, howdy, how-do-you-do

Install verbose dictionaries and for even more functionality:

thoth install ~/a_huge_dictionary/dict/
thoth lookup gripe

(v) complain
Synonyms: bellyache, bitch, crab, grouse, squawk, holler, beef
Type of: plain, complain, kick, sound off, quetch, kvetch

(n) informal terms for objecting
  - “I have a gripe about the service here”
Synonyms: squawk, bitch, beef, kick
Type of: objection


You may ask, why the name thoth? Thoth is the Egyptian god of writing, magic, wisdom. He is often depicted as a man with the head of an ibis or a baboon, animals sacred to him, and is said to maintain the universe.



©  Will Carhart